Saturday, June 24, 2006

On Blogging

Immersing myself into something new has never been easy for me. As a private person by nature, the idea of posting random ramblings about my life on a site that can virtually be viewed by anyone in the world does seem a bit overwhelming. This blog was born of a desire deep inside me to be more organized with my thoughts and more open to life.

That said, the idea of publishing my first post on my very own blog adds unnecessary pressure to the very life I am trying to live. I have been debating over the best way to start off my blog. After all, if what I post is not interesting or witty enough people might think that I am not that smart, and wonder why on earth I thought I was ready for the blogging world! Pressure. On the other hand, it seems very unlikely that you will stumble upon this blog by some freak of nature. Saving me from the worries of just everyone reading what I have to say!

So with these conflicting feelings I set out to write down my thoughts on various subjects and see what this blogging experience has in store for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are truly amazing and very intelligent. I am glad that the world will be able to see what I see in you everday. I knew you were a great writer and creative but your thoughts have blown me away. Continue to express yourself and you will become better at it.