Thursday, January 29, 2009

Vegan for a Month

At the beginning of every year I like challenging myself to do something interesting or new. This year I decided to go vegan for the month of January.

While I have not been totally successful in my quest (had some cheesy pasta and some chicken once) this has been an interesting month.

Mostly, I cannot wait for it to be over. I miss yogurt for breakfast. . .

For some reason I expected to feel different by the end of the month. Not sure how this difference would manifest itself: more energy, better sleep. . . I don't know, something. Alas, nothing has changed. I feel the same as I did at the beginning of the month. I think this is because I don't eat that much meat and dairy to begin with, so it has not been a huge transition for me.

Overall it has been a fun experiment. This experience has showed me that I can cut down even more on my animal products consumption without much effort. Moderation is the key. . . and yogurt for breakfast!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On Twilight

Yes, I admit it, I read all four books in the Twilight Saga.

I have always been a fan of vampire tales so I found it hard to resist this teenage drama. Everyone (under the age of 16) seemed to be reading it so I thought: "Why not?"

It totally got me hooked. For three weeks every free minute I had went into reading. It became quite an obsession. I just wanted to finish the books.

When it was finally over I was thoroughly dissapointed. First because the ending of the book left lots to be desired of. Second, I really did not like the casting desicions made for the movie - the people on the screen did not match the people I had created in my head. Finally, there was a bit of a let down. I spend so many hours with the characters it felt like they were a part of my family. Then they were all gone. With one flip of the final page my life went back to normal and I realized that I had no idea what to do next. . .

The quest continues!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Book Recommendation

Over the holidays I read various books. One of the books I read was Sex God by Rob Bell. This book explores sexuality and spirituality and the connections that we sense but are not always sure why.

I came away from this book thinking: "My kids have got to read this." Why? Because in my opinion this book explains in a very concrete way the emotional consequences of pre-marital sex. While parents usually like to mention the scary stuff like an unwanted pregnancy or STDs, the emotional impact of sexual relationships is the best reason to abstain until marriage. That's my opinion anyways, so I appreciate some resources in that department.

Bell does a great job of applying biblical soundness to the sometimes insane world of sexuality that we all face on a daily basis. It is also a very quick read!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Holiday Pictures

Now that I am feeling much better I thought I would post some pictures. We spent Christmas in Arizona along with Trevan's parents, Heather, Patrick, Ainsley, and Uncle Larry and Aunt Gillian.

Here is Ainsley with aunt Shari. . .
. . .And here is Ainsley with uncle Trevan

If you got a call from me over the holidays. . .let's just say my phone was being help hostage.
We also got to go to the Phoenix zoo, and I got to see a Sumatran tiger for the first time in my life. It was a very exciting experience.
Finally, it would not be a holiday unless someone got frisky with the ostrich!

Monday, January 05, 2009

To 2009!

This year has started off with a bang!

On New Year's day I threw-up on my way to the airport and have been sick for about a week now.

Yesterday I went to the doctor and found out I have an upper-respiratory infection...

I am looking forward to great things this year!