Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On Twilight

Yes, I admit it, I read all four books in the Twilight Saga.

I have always been a fan of vampire tales so I found it hard to resist this teenage drama. Everyone (under the age of 16) seemed to be reading it so I thought: "Why not?"

It totally got me hooked. For three weeks every free minute I had went into reading. It became quite an obsession. I just wanted to finish the books.

When it was finally over I was thoroughly dissapointed. First because the ending of the book left lots to be desired of. Second, I really did not like the casting desicions made for the movie - the people on the screen did not match the people I had created in my head. Finally, there was a bit of a let down. I spend so many hours with the characters it felt like they were a part of my family. Then they were all gone. With one flip of the final page my life went back to normal and I realized that I had no idea what to do next. . .

The quest continues!

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