Friday, April 06, 2007


After failed attempts at voting for American Idol contestants during the second season, I gave up trying. Really I gave up on the show completely... Still love Kelly and Carrie though!

This season, however, has drawn me back in with the arrival of unlikely Sanjaya Malakar. If you had never heard Sanjaya sing, but saw the little girl that cried during his performance, you would have assumed he was a wonderful singer. For those of you that have heard him sing, you are thinking "What is wrong with her?".

I remember laughing the morning after the show aired when I saw the report on the Today show. God definitely did not imbue Sanjaya with the gift of singing like an angel. He has a wimpy, shaky voice and should have never gotten to where he is.

Why then did I find myself voting for him MULTIPLE times after last week's show? Because God did not imbue me with any singing or musical abilities either. If you think about it you will see how cruel life can be for a pastor's wife that does not play the piano, sing, or, well has no musical ability. I have actually had people ask me, "So what do you do?".

So, for all of us that consider it quite cruel that some have the gift of music while others just pray in vain for divine voices, Sanjaya stands as an example that having a great personality (and girls crying while you perform) is worth much more than actual talent. In honor of his effort I have become a Fanjaya too! Either his effort or the desire to get back at people that consider you worthless if you can't sing.

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