Monday, March 26, 2007

Our Den!

I know you have been patiently anticipating pictures of our den, so here they are!

The previous owner was a model train enthusiast...This is what the room looked like before our move.
When we moved in we first had to remove the railing on the top of the room. Then remove the wallpaper trimming. Then Spackle, sand paper, wash the walls, and finally paint.
Then we had to put back together our impossible entertainment center and put back all our heavy equipment! See Trevan staining?

Finally, Mrs. Osborn came and helped us put the finishing touches on the room. Viola! Here is our den today. A modern retreat in which to entertain guests and a place for Trevan to work on his sermons and anything else he deems worthy of his time.
Thank you for your patience. Coming of our bedroom!

Currently working on our bathroom...

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