Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Birthday to ME!

As I look back on my 25th year of life, I realize that I had no expectations for that year at all. Yet, that year brought me to a new city, a new job, and a fabulous house.

Looking to my 26th year I can foresee no major changes. No big moves, no new jobs, no big purchases. Yet my anticipation for the adventures ahead are not dampened.

To be honest, this birthday totally snuck up on me. With all the trips and work, I did not realize it was almost my birthday till Friday. Usually I look forward to this day from the beginning of October! Yeah, birthdays are big in my book.

Still, my joy was not lessened by the belated realization that October 15 was closer than I imagined. I guess the great thing about birthdays - my birthdays anyways - is that there is always hope that this year will bring me closer to my goals. The anticipation that maybe this year I will accomplish something that was not accomplished last year.

Or maybe it is just a positive way of saying that I am getting old!

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