Thursday, August 03, 2006

On Thunder Storms

Every couple months our financial advicer Scott Schalk (we can give you his number), treats his customers to a movie. Thanks to his generosity Trevan and I have seen The DaVinci Code, Chronicles of Narnia and Phantom of the Opera for free! Last night it was Cars. I really enjoyed the movie. Nice, clean fun.

On our way back from the theater I asked Trevan if he would not mind coming to the office with me because I wanted to get some more work done. He agreed and by 10:00 pm we were leaving my office to go back home. At this time lightning was flashing furiously through the sky, but we thought we had enough time to drive the one mile to our house. We were wrong! By the time we were half a mile from our house it started pouring... The lightning and thunder were so demanding that we decided to stay in the car till it died down some.

We...ok I cowered in the seat willing it to swallow me and protect me as Trevan ohhed and ahhed at the majestic bolts blasting all around us. When I finally gathered the courage to stop thinking about what would happen if lighting struck the car, I was amazed! I started ahhing and ohhing right along with Trevan. It was so powerful and so scary all at once. The lightning revealing violent black clouds, and the thunder rumbling till it shook the ground beneath the car. It was very exciting!

Later last night I realized that I had witnessed a man-made show and a God-made show. Cars did not stand a chance!

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