Saturday, July 29, 2006

On Dreams

Trevan and I will be celebrating our two-year anniversary on Tuesday! I thank God each day for the wonderful husband he gave me. I also should be thanking Mr. and Mrs. Osborn for having him...

Again, those of you who know me, know that I am in no rush to have children. The idea of screaming my head off for hours and hours while this person comes out of the inner most part of my body does not fill me with warm fuzzy feelings! A month ago I was actually late, and I almost died when I realized that I might be pregnant. "I AM NOT READY", was the only thing that kept on flashing through my mind. Fortunately, it was a false alarm!

Both Trevan and I seem to be on the same page with the whole "not ready" thing. See, it's not only the birth pains that I am afraid of. It is the years of not knowing what choices my child will make...Will they be nice children or will they fight with other kids? Will they make friends easily or be outcasts of society? Will they marry someone that we can all embrace or will they be weird? The uncertainties go on and on.

Yesterday, we ran into a friend of ours that had a baby back in January. Since I had not seen the baby I was excited to finally meet her. My heart melted at the sight of her big gray eyes and her huge cheeks...Later that night I dreamt that we were pregnant and that our baby looked exactly like my friends baby. Trevan and I were extremely happy and comfortable with our new status as parents. When I woke up this morning I was at peace with the idea of one day being a mother.

Stop right there! I know many of you are breaking out the sparkling cider to celebrate the fact that I want a baby (Darlene, Mom, Mrs. Osborn, Rosie). Let me just put that cork right back in its place for you. We are still on the seven year plan! God just happened to reveal to me in my dream, that being a parent won't be as bad as I have always envisioned it to be. He also showed me that my child will one day bring much happiness to some other person's child just as Trevan has brought happiness to my life. It feels good to know that one day I will be able to give someone the gift that Richard and Norma Osborn have given me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know Ate, if you didn't know yet, I'll be twice as happy as everyone when you guys have a baby:) Ask Ate Rosie. Whenever she mentions you first thing in my head~ BABY! lol.. What I'm getting at though is that God will be ten times as excited when He send that little one to you because He knows He'll be giving it to two most deserving parents and the fact that the kiddo will have me for a babysitter:D For free! hehehe.. (So I can get practice when Kuya or Ate have kiddies, you know:) Love you both! And belated Happy Ani!