Saturday, September 02, 2006

On Family

Since last Friday Trevan and I have been in California. The first weekend we were in Southern California visiting with Trevan's grandmother and his uncles, aunts and cousins on his mother's side. It was especially nice to be able to hang out with Ron (Trev's cousin on his father's side of the family) on Saturday night.

This trip became even more memorable for me when a group of my cousins and their families drove up from L.A. to Riverside to hang out with me for a couple hours. It was a little nerve racking at first because my cousins have young children, and Trevan's uncle Larry has this very impressive display of artifacts dating thousands of years back.

Eventually all my fears dissipated as I contemplated the most amusing sight ever! I looked over and saw uncle Larry attempting to blow up an inflatable crocodile while three little girls looked at his with great expectations. After blowing a few breaths into the animal, uncle Larry decided to divert his attention to a plane instead. The girls giggled and jumped all around him. It was so lovely to see both our families bonding in such small yet significant ways.

Overall it was great seeing my cousins even if only for a couple hours. Spending time with Trevan's grandmother was also extremely meaningful because at the age of 96 we are not sure how many, if any, more visit we will be able to enjoy with her.

As I reflect back on the family-packed weekend we had, I absolutely rejoiced at the beauty that is family!

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