Monday, October 23, 2006

On Turning 25

There is something significant about turning twenty five. Although I have been married for over two years and I have a master's degree, adults have not really considered me as one of them until now. When you turn a quarter of a century things change. For many this is a sad reminder that thirty is right around the corner... Then you are really old! :)

Unfortunately, turning twenty five has not done anything to me. I do not feel more responsible, or more careful, or more mature than I did at twenty four. Is it because changes in maturity level are way more suttle than that? Or maybe we just put too much stake in one day.

Trevan, Fab and Heather, planned a surprise birthday party for me. It was a lot of fun, but other than the extra gifts I know have, no eternal wisdom was given to me on this day... Or maybe I just have not unwrapped that gift yet.

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